InMotion Consulting & Coaching

Deirdre Danahar – High Performing People and Team Coach| Consultant | Speaker

Helping busy professionals with complex lives
Expand their career potential
Bring their best-of-self traits to their fullest potential
Lead with integrity and inspiration
Find work-life flow

Lead. Grow. Flow.

Executive Coaching with Deirdre Danahar
End Upper-Management Isolation

The higher you are in an organization, the less feedback you get.

It’s just a fact: the nature of your position has an inherent degree of separation that makes it difficult for you to get the information you need. Only a few can and will reach up to offer their perspective about strategy or emerging problems, not to mention your performance.

How Some Leaders Succeed When Others Don’t

Nimble, focused leaders know that unless they seek a connection outside the corner office they will be resource-starved and they will inevitably experience a loss of professional acuity.

That’s why many executives, administrators and leaders successfully circumvent upper-management seclusion by working with a coach.

Download an overview of how I help executives and business leaders respond successfully and proactively as their organization changes and grows.

Deirdre Danahar, Executive Coach

Deirdre Danahar, Executive Coach

For more than a decade I’ve been a trusted thinking partner for leaders in business, government and non-profit organizations, helping them end upper-management isolation by providing candid observations and an unclouded corporate-centric perspective about their performance, their relationships within their organization and the organization itself. 

The professionals I work with have an unbiased adviser who helps them (1) access vital information, (2) think more strategically about implementation of initiatives and organizational change, (3) make decisions about approaches for developing or maintaining productive working relationships and (4) achieve both organizational and personal goals.  

Benefits of Executive Coaching for the Individual

  • Create a comfortable forum for discussion and an objective, expert perspective
  • Enhance individual and organizational performance
  • Build productive relationships between you and your subordinates and peers
  • Learn coaching skills you can implement with direct reports
  • Synchronize personal and organizational goals
  • Better client relationships

Benefits of Executive Coaching for the Organization

  • Enhance the productivity and engagement of top performers and key executives
  • Recognize and reward valued employees
  • Flag management problems before they become business problems
  • Reduce turnover and retain top performing staff
  • Improve employee morale, commitment and productivity
  • Create positive and sustained behavioral changes

Is This You?

Executive coaching benefits leaders who are as committed to their own development as they are to the growth of their followers.

Coaching helps high-functioning people expand their leadership repertoire, enhance their people management skills and develop action plans that ensure accountability and productivity.

Coaching also supports leaders transitioning to new responsibilities by helping them develop the leadership skills they need in order to be successful

Work with Me

Whether you are an executive stepping into a new role, a seasoned veteran seeking to grow or a manager planning for the next phase of your career, I’ll work with you to masterfully (and more easily) navigate the intricacies of a complex business environment.

Areas of focus may include your professional vision, problem solving, strategic thinking, producing results, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, team development and supervision, and giving effective feedback.

Executive coaching will also help you understand how others perceive you and how that impacts your effectiveness. The most effective leaders earn their influence because of who they are and how they conduct themselves, not simply because they have a position of authority. Earning influence is the foundation for productivity, good morale, and loyalty from peers, staff and customers.

Through our work together I will

  • Be a grounding partner supporting you to think through ideas, plans and roadblocks
  • Ask questions that encourage you to think critically so you make good choices for you and your company
  • Help you create strategies for communicating effectively with difficult employees, investors and your partners
  • Work with you to ensure that you create and operate firmly grounded in your mission, vision and values

If you value having confidential consistent support, honest feedback and professional development that maximizes your potential or and the potential of others, I’d like to help you

Get started today. Schedule your consultation by emailing or calling me 601-362-8288. 

Make Sure You Get My Free Workbook
Sign up to get 7 Rules for Making a Life, Not Just a Living (a $49 value) in your inbox today. Inside you'll find a simple process that gives you a jumpstart on leveraging your strengths, doing your best work and modeling the authenticity and confidence you want in your staff.

I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” — Caesar Augustus

”This quote from the ruler of the civilized world at the beginning of the Common Era comes to mind when I think of the results accomplished with our work with Deirdre Danahar. Deirdre came to us at a time when we had some complex interpersonal relationship challenges in our primary workplace. She helped facilitate some common visioning, empathetic listening, and group awareness of the needs of the individual.

”As a result of our time together, we have a more cohesive, engaged team, ready to take on MORE as opposed to fretting over what is next.

”I highly recommend Deirdre . . . she is a very capable team leader.
— Jeff Good, Co-Owner Mangia Bene, Inc. Restaurant Management Group, US Small Business Association Mississippi 2013 Business of the Year
. . . inspiring executive coaching by Deirdre Danahar of InMotion Consulting (hire her!), I’ve learned so much about workplace engagement. The biggest lessons for me? The staff should decide their own shared values and plans, and then we talk about, reinforce and review based on those values every chance we get.

The coolest offices are where you figure out how to recruit and hire people who strive daily to be brilliant and to learn from each other. (Our shared values are now the basis for future job interviews). Once positive, focused, curious employees arrive, they share the core values, are trustworthy and do what they say they will. The team wants to collectively create something bigger than any of them could do alone—and they will work hard to get there.
— Donna Ladd, CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Jackson Free Press/BOOM Jackson, From BOOM Jackson April-May 2014
“I know I’ve said this before, but I owe you a huge, huge Thank You for the very gratifying trajectory shift of the last six months. It’s extremely rewarding to work with a coach as gifted as you, Deirdre, and to watch the important aspects of life — areas that may have frustrated you for years — become visibly and measurably better. Through discernment, humor, and encouragement, Deirdre helps you uncover what matters most in the midst of daily noise, then helps you build a toolkit to prioritize and improve those things that make a life fulfilling. The calmness, happiness and confidence I now feel are a direct result of the weekly work we did together late last year. It also helped lead to my new position as Chief Operating Officer.
— Online Marketing Organization, Chief Operating Officer, Jackson, MS
I knew I would have to inspire and lead myself first, so that we could create a leadership team that could effectively reach across the expanse of this project. The work you did unearthing and using signature strengths was powerful for us all. We are more able to see possible options to address concerns and quickly implement the one with the greatest likelihood for lasting success. There is less need for me to be deeply engaged in the details because I remain confident in the professionalism and capacity of our team. I am able to focus my time and effort on the higher-level planning, visioning and tasks that I most need to.
— Julie Hibben, LMSW, CPS, Project Director, Iowa Department of Public Health

Copyright 2013-2020 by Deirdre Danahar; Images by Brice Media
InMotion Consulting and Coaching, Jackson MS, 601-362-8288