InMotion Consulting & Coaching

Deirdre Danahar – High Performing People and Team Coach| Consultant | Speaker

Helping busy professionals with complex lives
Expand their career potential
Bring their best-of-self traits to their fullest potential
Lead with integrity and inspiration
Find work-life flow

Lead. Grow. Flow.

Coaching with Deirdre Danahar
The Path to Making a Life, Not Just a Living

You can do your best work without sacrificing your family, your health or the interests and activities outside your profession that bring you joy. 

I Can Help You Make a Life, Not Just a Living

Photo by Brice Media

Photo by Brice Media

In my 14 plus years as a coach, I've realized I almost always work with people who are looking for 3 highly specific kinds of change. And so I've developed 3 coaching paths that are tailored to each client's profession, personal and work relationships, and environments.

Best for people who have achieved a level of professional success and now find their work uninspired and stale.

They feel empty and dissatisfied because they need to generate their next professional breakthrough. And that means infusing more self-expression into their work, allowing their best-of-self traits to take deeper root and reviving untapped dormant skills.

As a career development coach, I help professionals connect their best-of-self traits to purpose (self-expression) and possibility (growth) in their professional and personal lives.

Here's how I help them expand their potential.

Best for business owners who want to master the complexity of both owning the business and being the business.

They face the challenge of motivating and guiding both themselves and the people they work with, so they need to make their best-of-self traits the keystone of their work. They also need concrete strategies that help them become successful standard-bearers for holding on to (and growing with) the remarkable originality, 

vision and confidence that first brought them to successful business ownership.

I help business owners navigate the intricacies of both owning the business and being the business. Identifying their best-of-self traits is the first step in a momentum-building progression of strategies for entrepreneurial success.

Learn more about my business coaching strategy for entrepreneurs here.

Best for high-achieving corporate, business and organizational leaders who understand the importance of leading by example but are often overextended and concerned about the qualities they model.

To step more fully into leadership, they need strategies and processes that help them create space for the higher-level projects that most need their expertise while personally 

representing the good judgment, dependability and personal-professional stability they want for and from their direct reports.

When I coach business leaders, we create a foundation for inspirational leadership and an industrious workplace culture based on signature strengths.

Here's more about how I help business leaders step more fully into their ability to lead to inspire.

Get My Free Workbook
And Start Doing Your Best Work Now

If you feel trapped in a job you once loved . . .  

If you feel mired in the messiness of being the business and owning the business . . .

If you feel you have to do your staff's work . . . 

If you feel inadequate and discouraged as you juggle your work and your everyday life . . . 

Get my free workbook today. 

7 Rules for Making a Life, Not Just a Living (a $49 value) will walk you through a process designed to help you identify your strengths and create practical ways to apply them at home and at work.

Just click here.

Do you have questions about coaching? Please email or call me at 601-362-8288. I'll be delighted to talk with you - no pressure, no sales spiel. Just talk.

Copyright 2013-2020 by Deirdre Danahar; Images by Brice Media
InMotion Consulting and Coaching, Jackson MS, 601-362-8288